
  • 品牌
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 在我看来,国漫电影《长安三万里》的火爆也源于对消费者需求的洞察。这些年,《中国诗词大会》和《中国奇谭》等传统文化题材作品走红,说明市场对此有强烈需求。文化产业从业者只有深入研究市场,关注年轻人,了解他们的情感,才能为文旅产业提供更多内容支撑,助力文旅产品更新迭代。 国漫电影《长安三万里》火了,不仅仅是电影,还有西安旅游。一边,“诗仙李白”出现在大唐不夜城街头,游客争相与之吟诗作对;另一边



国漫电影《长安三万里》火了,不仅仅是电影,还有西安旅游。一边,“诗仙李白”出现在大唐不夜城街头,游客争相与之吟诗作对;另一边,影片同款暑期研学游上线,一天销售额就突破百万元。 “长安”再次受到热捧,让人想起多年前的网剧《长安十二时辰》。它不仅一播出就引发收视热潮,还衍生出了长安十二时辰主题街区这一文旅爆品,为“影视+文旅”新业态开创了先河。





"Long An" fire, also due to the insight into consumer demand. In recent years, TV shows like "Chinese Poetry Competition" and "Chinese Folk Tales" have become popular, indicating a strong market demand for traditional culture. Cultural industry practitioners must delve deeper into the market, pay attention to young people's emotions, and provide more content support for cultural tourism industries to update and iterate.

The film Long An Three Ten Thousand Li has been a hit not only in China but also internationally. The success of this film can be attributed to its deep understanding of the audience's needs and desires. It is no coincidence that other films with similar themes have also achieved great success in recent years.

From Long An Twelve Hours to Long An Three Ten Thousand Li, both films share familiar elements such as historical settings, poetic lyrics, and stunning visuals that evoke a sense of nostalgia among audiences worldwide. These shared elements are key factors contributing to their enduring popularity across generations.

As one who has followed the evolution of Chinese cinema closely over the past few decades, I am convinced that there is something unique about these period dramas from China - they are not just visually stunning or historically accurate; they are deeply rooted in our collective memory as well as our hopes for a better future.

In essence then what we see on screen is less about Hollywood-style action-packed blockbusters than it is about capturing life through storytelling - stories woven around characters whose struggles resonate with us all so much so that we cannot help but feel connected emotionally even if we never lived through those times ourselves.
