
  • 时尚业界
  • 2024年12月21日
  • 在腕表时代,每一次时间的划分,都伴随着对精确度和设计的追求。我们手里的时钟,不再仅仅是计时工具,它们已经成为了一种身份的象征,一种审美的体现。 我手里的那块腕表,是一款简约而不失豪华感的手工表。它的皮革带温润如玉,金属框架坚固耐用,而每一次翻动指针,都似乎是在讲述一个关于精准与耐用的故事。我买下它的时候,是因为那时候正处于职业生涯的一个重要节点,我需要一个可以随身携带、经常提醒我的时间管理者




wristwatch era, the timepiece on my wrist is not only a tool for telling time but also a symbol of status and an expression of taste. The leather strap feels smooth to the touch, the metal frame solid and durable, and every turn of the hands seems to tell a story about precision and durability. I bought it when I was at a critical stage in my career, needing a watch that could be worn constantly and remind me of time management. Now it remains my most faithful companion, whether in daily life or formal occasions, giving me a sense of maturity and professionalism.